How do car owners maintain their car’s brake system?

Automobile brake system is a key component to ensure driving safety, and its performance is directly related to the safety of drivers and vehicles. Therefore, for the majority of car owners, it is very necessary to understand and master the maintenance knowledge of the car brake system. Below will share how to maintain the car’s brake system from the perspective of a senior auto service participant.

  • Check brake oil regularly.

Brake oil is an important part of brake system, which has the functions of transmitting pressure, lubricating and anti-corrosion. Owners should regularly check the oil level and quality of brake oil to ensure that it is within the normal range. Brake oil is generally replaced every 20,000 kilometers or once a year, but the specific replacement cycle needs to be determined according to the use of the vehicle and the manufacturer’s recommendations.

  • Pay attention to the wear of brake pads

Brake pads are the most easily worn parts in the brake system, and their wear degree directly affects the braking effect. The owner should check the thickness of the brake pads regularly, and replace them in time when they are worn to the specified minimum thickness. In addition, when replacing the brake pads, it is recommended to replace the brake disc at the same time to ensure the coordination and stability of the brake system.

  • Keep the brake system clean

The brake system works in a bad environment and is easily polluted by impurities such as sediment and moisture. Therefore, car owners should regularly clean the brake system, especially the brake pads and brake disc surfaces, to ensure their good friction performance. In the cleaning process, should avoid the use of cleaning agents containing chemical components, so as not to cause corrosion of the brake system.

  • Avoid sudden braking and long-term braking

Hard braking and prolonged braking will cause the temperature of the brake system to rise, which will aggravate the wear of brake pads and brake discs. Therefore, the owner should try to maintain a smooth driving habit during driving and avoid frequent sudden braking and long-term braking.

  • Check the brake system pipeline regularly

The brake system pipeline is responsible for the transmission of brake oil, and its tightness and integrity are critical to the normal operation of the brake system. The owner should regularly check whether there is leakage, aging and other phenomena in the brake system pipeline, and repair or replace it in time if any problems are found.

  • Regular maintenance and inspection

In addition to the above points, the owner should also carry out regular car maintenance and inspection according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. During the maintenance process, professionals will conduct a comprehensive inspection and adjustment of the brake system to ensure that it is in optimal working condition.



The maintenance of the car’s brake system is not only related to the performance and life of the vehicle, but also to the safety of the driver’s life. The majority of car owners should develop good driving habits, regularly check and maintain the brake system to ensure that it can play its due performance at critical moments. At the same time, when encountering brake system problems, professional help should be sought in time to avoid potential safety hazards caused by self-handling.